Sunday, 16 September 2012

Those who can bear all can dare all. 


Monday, 12 March 2012

Some of the biggest, longest, largest things in the world.

World’s Longest Hair – Chenq 'Rapunzel' Shiquin 

World’s Longest Beard – Sarwan Singh 

World’s Longest Fingernails – Lee Redmond 

World’s Longest Eyebrow – Leonard Traenkenschuh 

World’s Biggest Eyes – Kim Goodman 

World’s Biggest Head – Andre The Giant 

World’s Longest Ear Hair – Radhakant Bajpai 

World’s Longest Legs – Svetlana Pankratova 

World’s Longest Moustache – Badamsingh Juwansingh  

World’s Longest Nose – Mehmet Ozyurek 

World’s Largest Mouth – Francisco Domingo Joaquim 


Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Anda bosan lalu mendengar muzik. Anda mungkin bertambah bosan apabila mendengar muzik anda tanpa dihiasi dengan 'kulit album' muzik anda.

Terdapat beberapa cara untuk menambah album artwork. Antaranya dengan menggunakan iTunes. Berikut merupakan beberapa langkah mudah menggunakan iTunes.

1. Masukkan lagu kegemaran anda kedalam playlist iTunes.
2. Sila cari album artwork pilihan anda di internet. Sila copy gambar yang paling jelas.

3. Sila right-click pada lagu pilihan anda di iTunes. Kemudian klik Get Info. Sila klik pada Artwork dan di dalam kotak yang disediakan anda boleh right-click dan paste gambar tersebut.

4. Hasilnya muzik anda lebih menarik untuk dinikmati

Ini adalah sebahagian cara sahaja. Masih terdapat banyak cara lain. Selamat mencuba. Ini juga boleh dijadikan satu hobi baru ketika bosan.


Monday, 13 February 2012

Some of the tragic stories.
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Irumu Salido, 30 years old. Her face, back and shoulders were burned 12 years ago, when the boy, whom she refused the marriage , she splashed acid in the street. She endured 25 plastic surgeries to remove the scars.
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Shameem Akhter, 18. Three years ago she was raped and then doused with three acid. She endured 10 plastic surgeries in an attempt to get rid of scars.
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Najaf Sultana, 16 years old. At the age of five years, sleeping, she was burnt his own father, apparently due to the fact that he did not want to have another female child in the family. As a result, Najaf and blind after her abandoned to their fate both parents, living with relatives. She had 15 plastic surgeries.
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Shenaz Usman, 36 years old. Shenaz doused with acid relative during a family dispute five years ago. She went through 10 plastic surgeries.
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Shahnaz Bibi, 35. 10 years ago Shahnaz also doused with acid one of the relatives. Plastic surgery is not made.
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Kanwal Qayum, 26 years old. A year ago, her boyfriend doused with acid in retaliation for his refusal to marry. Plastic surgery is not made.
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Munira Asef, 23. Five years ago, Munir doused with acid for the same reason. 7 surgeries.
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Bushra Shari, 39 years old. Bushra five years ago, doused with acid own husband because she wanted to divorce him. She had 25 plastic surgeries.
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Memuna Khan, 21. Memuna was doused with a group of young people who have used acid to resolve the conflict between their family and family Memuny. She went through 21 operations.
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Zainab Bibi, 17 years old. 5 years ago, she refused to marry, the groom and splashed her with acid. Went through several plastic surgeries.
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Naila Farhat, 19 years old. A similar story.
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Sair Liaqat, 26. At age 15, married to her cousin, who later doused her with acid after unsuccessful attempts by the inducement to live together, despite the fact that the family agreed that she would move to it only at the end of the school. Underwent 15 plastic surgeries.

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Naim Azar, victim of acid attack of her husband.

please beware.just beware.


Monday, 2 January 2012

Some great pictures to be shared..

credit to wan k